
Where Is Michelle Lodzinski Now? is dead or still alive? - Here's What We Know

In 1991, the sight of a child’s face on a milk carton or prominently in the face of America’s most wanted criminals quickly became the norm. According to The Washington Post, a 1988 U.S. Department of Justice study found that “as many as 4,600 children were kidnapped by non-family members nationwide in 1988, and more than 100,000 were the target of attempted kidnappings, mainly by passing motorists. “.

Of those 4,600 children, “between 200 and 300 were chronically missing or killed,” the study said. Timothy Wiltsey with his mother, then 23-year-old Michelle Lodzinski, at a game in Sailville, NJ on May 25, 1991 Missing at the carnival. Five months later, his body will be found less than ten miles away. Dateline revisits the baffling story in which his mother was convicted of murder 25 years after his death. Where is Michelle Lodzinski now? Here’s what we know.

Where is Michelle Lodzinski now?

Michelle Lodzinski is currently out of jail after serving nearly six years for the murder of her 5-year-old son Timothy Wiltsey in 1991. Both the story and the case itself are twisty and confusingly lie. It’s clear that Michelle Lodzinski has made many bad decisions in life, but no killer makes mistakes. So how was Michelle convicted?

According to My Central Jersey, “When the FBI and police found Timothy’s scattered remains – a skull and fragments of bones from his jaw, arms and legs – he had been dead for months, his body Submerged in water.” Death was never determined and it was treated as manslaughter. Police have always been suspicious of Rodzinski because they never seemed to get their story right.

A week after Timothy’s disappearance, Lozinski has taken two polygraph tests, both of which have failed (though medical professionals have determined those tests to be inaccurate). Apparently, Lozinski tells various stories about the exact moment Timothy disappeared at the carnival. She initially said she couldn’t find him after drinking the lemonade. From there, the story gets even more bizarre.

“A man caught Timothy during the carnival ride and warned her to stay away before walking away with the other two men,” Lodzinski told the FBI. She later admitted to lying because she just wanted her to leave. A woman named Ellen was brought in, said to be a client of Amboy-Madison Bank where Lodzinski worked. Lodzinski claims Ellen did everything from “threatened with a knife and kidnapped Timothy” to implicated at least two co-conspirators.

Despite these ridiculous stories, authorities have no concrete evidence that Lozinski murdered her own children. They pursued the case for years and never gave up entirely. Then someone remembered a blue and white blanket wrapped around Timothy’s body. And just like that, Michel Lozinski was arrested.

What happened to the blue and white blanket?

When Timothy’s body was found, when Rozinski and her mother saw the blanket, they both claimed they had never seen my center jersey. In 2014, police decided to show the blanket to one of Timothy’s old nanny and Lozinski’s niece. Both said they recognized the blanket as Timothy’s. In August 2014, Lozinski was charged with murder.

Although the trial was indirect and the jury was released for independent online research, Lodzonski was convicted on May 18, 2016 ( and sentenced to 30 years in prison on January 5, 2017.

How did Michelle Lodzinski get out of jail?

In August 2019, “a three-judge appeals panel dismissed Lodzinski’s appeal, saying ‘the jury has evidence that Timothy’s death was neither suicide nor accidental, but rather the murder of a victim. ‘” noted. However, Lozinski’s lawyers weren’t ready to give up, so he’s been taking the matter to the New Jersey Supreme Court, which agreed to hear the appeal in February 2020.

The defense’s argument was simple, that when the jury was dismissed, the judge in the original trial should have declared the trial a failure because he found he tried to Google his own little answer. Lodzinski’s lawyers also argued that there was insufficient evidence to convict her. Not only was no blood found in her car, but there was absolutely no DNA on the blanket to connect her to Lodzinski or her home.

Following a separate decision by the New Jersey Supreme Court, they decided to “review an unprecedented re-examination of Lozinski’s conviction and add a ‘tie’ as the court hears the case again,” according to New The tiebreaker was Judge Jose L. Fuentes, a senior member of the state’s appellate division. This time, the court ruled in favor of vacating the conviction, overturning the jury’s decision in the original trial.

