
El primo de Jincho video dead, in an accident in Philadelphia - cause of death

The influencer Jincho’s cousin died in an accident in Philadelphia. Via: voices from the south

In Spain, Kinki (or “quinqui”) means a bit of an outcast, and the origin of the word refers to the itinerant tinsmith, a trinket seller who travels here and there to earn as much of a living as possible. Jincho defines himself as humble, real, a little crazy, and knows that he is a pervert. He is a rapper, he is a thief, he has had a past as a good student, then he dropped out. With his fame running through the walls of the Orcasitas working community, the Madrid-born man with a Latin accent has taken over TikTok with his song “Los porros no”, whose official video clip has more than 4.5 million views on YouTube. second category. And it keeps increasing.

In the vein of “Una Vela” from Intoxicados, El Jincho mixes with drugs, the police, suburban walks and rogue empathy, convincing even the holiest of men with his beatings. Like Pity Álvarez (currently imprisoned for murder), this man from Madrid has the endorsement of the ghetto, the imprint of prison on his skin, in his walk and in his words. As such, his music is infected with a raw reality that is both terrifying and seductive.

“I’m not proud of everything that happened to me. I’m proud of who I am now. My mother is looking at me, but no pride in crime, robbery, etc.”, he told host Wei. Broncano confessed. The hall of the Spanish show La Resistencia. On television he said that they could call him José, but he did not say what his real name was. He just jokes around, he’s sincere, he dances a little the way people like him.

He was less than 14 years old when he started to excel in cock racing, and in these freestyle races he wins whoever has the longest tongue. Now that he is 30 years old, while he doesn’t brag about his racy past, he does use those experiences to lend credence to his words. El Jincho knows what he is talking about, and even though he was born in Europe, he identifies with the Latin styles, the styles of the Dominican Republic, the countries he has visited -where he recorded a video- and his rap in the bachata base. Yes Orcasitas, although in Europe, has a landscape more similar to that of any third world community: without sewage, almost without electricity and asphalt unlike the Gran Vía. The rapper knows what it is to live in a crisis, he has grown up knowing the Hard work is needed to help his family and mistakes of falling into crime in search of easy money.

In an interview with the newspaper El Mundo, El Jincho recalled his first robbery, shortly before the freestyle: “It was in a bakery downstairs from my house when I was about 13 years old. We took a box of cash, about 6,000 or 7,000 pesetas. Reales I “I am a thief. But now I’m a rapper, an artist. I don’t know the crime. When they showed me a new anti-crime device, I don’t know anymore. Now I know the microphone.” On the same note, he admitted to “stealing more money than making money from music,” and without hesitation admitted the reason for his imprisonment.” That was three years and ten months. For illegal retention. Come on kidnapping. We had a guy being held illegally. We didn’t want it to go away, we stole it… but the Polycorn (police) caught us. I left in 2015.”

Since he lives from music, the man from Madrid no longer steals, but he maintains a potential disdain for the police. “I have been arrested many times. Many. And, perhaps for that very reason. I know how they were treated and how they were. Some rats, some pigs. Abusers. Real. And clearly, criminals. It’s me, not my mother or my sister. So why do they disrespect me when they come to visit me in prison? They want to search them, search them… as if they were going to do something illegal. They didn’t respect me. All the policemen treat me the same way they treat all criminals “, he explained clearly.

