
James Yeager ALS dead, OG Guntuber passed away - Cause of death

Even though he grew up in the New York area, we still kind of like him. Working on a commercial fishing boat, and after many close encounters, including cutting his fingers and “swimming” in cold water, he realized that when something went wrong, self-help was the only real option. It was this awareness and the desire to be able to handle his own emergency that led him to respond tactically. His personal journey also includes some of the “stronger are harder to kill” philosophies. Intense cardio and strength program.

Joy Glover

If you think Joey is a coach just because he is James Yeager’s son-in-law, then you don’t know Joey or James! He has to earn his place like everyone else, maybe even more than anyone else, because he’s part of James’ family. Joey is a hardworking and dedicated teacher with a positive attitude, supportive spirit and a wicked sense of humor. His experience will be quick; in his first year, he has taught more than 1,000 students. Check out his interview with Kayla here! Training History: Direct Instructions from James Yeager Tactical Response Classes – Too Many To List…

Brian Greenwell

Born in Kentucky, Brian was an infantryman in the U.S. Army, designated as the Rifle Corps. He was deployed to Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne Division, where he participated in long-range patrols, foot patrols, raids, reconnaissance, surveillance, humanitarian missions, and a variety of heavy duty assignments. He also worked with local leaders, police, army and security forces. After his military service, he worked in the automotive industry until he realized his dream of becoming a Tactical Response instructor. Watch his interview with Kayla here.

