
Andrea Pascuzzi dead and obituary, Cause of death - whats happened

Spencerport is committed to identifying and evaluating all students with disabilities (ages 3 through 21) in the district who may need support services to ensure their success in their educational programs. Spencerport is committed to providing appropriate educational programs and services to meet the needs of all students.

Federal and state laws also set forth procedures to be followed for students with disabilities. Even without laws enforcing these programs, school districts recognize their responsibility to assist students with special needs.

Special education services are provided under the direction of a special education director. Before classifying a student, the Response Intervention Team or Instructional Support Team (IST) ensures that all general education resources are utilized. The team collects data and considers all findings to support referral to a special education board.

The district also coordinates screening and services for preschool children suspected of having a disability.

Call 349-5140 for help understanding the special education process and your rights as the parent of a student with a disability.

