
John Scully journalist dead and obituary, cause fo death

Ppl like John Scully, a former journalist who suffers from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder & anxiety disorder. John was diagnosed 30 yrs ago and has since been admitted to 7 psychiatric hospitals & undergone countless treatments without relief.

John Scully, 81, is considered an opioid addict. He takes the drugs to deal with chronic physical pain caused by a mentally ill body. Since I’ve been diagnosed 30 years ago, I’ve been admitted to seven mental hospitals. I’ve tried every treatment and medication that science has developed since 1950. My symptoms and conditions include incurable post-traumatic stress disorder, incurable anxiety disorder and severe depression. I take 30 pills every day to treat my conditions. My attempts at suicide haven’t been successful, as I’ve tried natural remedies and vitamins. Some alternative treatments include acupuncture and alternate vitamins. None of these have helped my mental state. In fact, some have caused dangerous effects.

John’s story is a rare one. Most people don’t hear it until they are in their 40s; that’s when about 50% of the Canadian population has or has had a mental illness. John’s incredible story shows that even with 50% of the population affected, many people still choose to keep their mental illness a secret.

This demonstrates the social stigma surrounding mental illness. I feel obligated to share my opinions and provide change by speaking out. I have a point of view that I can share through any public forum, and I will if given the chance. My goal is to show the world my support for MAID by sharing my understanding of mental disorders. People need to understand mental illnesses and assisted dying. However, they don’t understand either. People need to understand both of these things, but they don’t. I’ve had a mental illness for 30 years and there’s nothing left that can help me. My only option is to share my experience with others, as I believe many others are unable or unwilling to share their story. When it comes to the subject of suicide, the family is traumatized and the act itself is unclean. I don’t want to cause this horrible conflict in my life by attempting to end it again. Instead, I want to be assessed for MAID, or mercy-administered intervention. This option would give me and others a chance to live beyond our suffering.

Media outlets have spread inaccurate information about MAID assessment procedures. They claim that any person with mental health issues or in a mental health crisis can choose to be assessed for MAID. These claims ignore the strict security measures already in place. Additionally, they fail to consider the flaws in current public health care and their potential impact on MAID’s future.

Mental health care is in dire need of improvement. More people need mental health care support, but MAID, the mental illness spectrum, needs to be a part of the system now. MAID provides support for people with varying levels of illness across a huge spectrum. People can’t be granted MAID based on the normal ups and downs of everyday life. Depression caused by the loss of a loved one, job or even missing a bus don’t qualify for MAID. However, people with long-term and incurable mental disorders can’t live with their suffering due to a human right to be on a parallel with physical illness. The pain and suffering and loss of hope are identical.

